All of our practitioners are licensed and board certified in Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine, have years of direct training with Hillary, and much additional specialized education and experience. Practitioners and support staff alike have a deep and abiding care for people and passion for the process of healing. We look forward to supporting your journey!

There is a saying in Chinese medicine, “Know the form. Forget the form.” The past 25 years has been a journey of ever-deepening understanding of the process of healing – how and why we heal… or at times struggle with this process. For me, supporting others in reclaiming health involves knowing the body in it’s miraculous minutia and wonderous multi-systems complexity, while at the same time leading each unique healing journey with spirit and intuition. I am humbled by the human will not only to survive, but to thrive, which I witness in my patients every day. Together, with the forces of nature as wind at our backs, we do the detective work, problem-solving, leaning into challenges, and tuning into the body that is required to heal. Generating life force energy and eradicating illness in this way often leads to lasting vibrant health!

It is an honor to help others on their healing journey. My personal experiences with Lyme as well as both of my children’s illnesses led me to specialize in helping others heal from tick borne disease and complex chronic health problems rooted in infection and inflammation. I believe that true health involves more than just healing the physical body. We must look at the whole person and not just isolate potential underlying infections. I have learned that true wellness involves the integration of daily habits that heal both the physical and spiritual body to support the whole person. I look forward to walking with you every step on your journey back to vibrant health!

I know it’s 100% possible to heal from chronic Lyme and chronic illness, because I’ve been through this journey myself. While different medications, diets, and protocols have their place, nothing is more important than building a healthy foundation, learning to trust your intuition, and finding a supportive care team that has your back. I don’t want anyone to go through the same struggles I did, when there’s clearly a better way! When we begin to work with the body and with nature, healing becomes inevitable.
In addition to my work with Lyme and chronic illness, I teach women interested in improving fertility, hormonal, and reproductive health, as well as natural birth control and conception, how to chart and optimize their menstrual cycles using the Symptothermal Fertility Awareness Method. When not at my desk I enjoy both growing and foraging for native local plant foods and medicines in the coastal southwest and on a lake in the foothills of the ozarks, grounding my practice in the rich traditions of animism, vitalism, + bioregional herbalism.
Support Staff

Daisha Sen
Clinic Manager & Patient Support Specialist
Whether speaking with new patients, scheduling appointments, or communicating with patients about questions and concerns, I’m here to be of service in the process our clients are going through to find a more empowered relationship with their own health. Some of my background and training I call upon includes herbalism (mostly Western), health & wellness coaching, holistic chronic pain management, conflict resolution, and nutritional therapy. With over two decades of experience working in cooperative health food, I’m grateful to have found such a fitting role in my transition to holistic health. While people’s access to healthy food is still very important to me, I now enjoy supporting people on their transformative health journeys.

Pharmacy Manager
I am the Herb Pharmacy Manager of Bloom & Reveal Botanicals, the herbal pharmacy that serves the Nourishing Life Health Center. I have experience working as a garden/outdoor educator, vegetable farmer, and beekeeper, and currently study herbalism at Arbor Vitae School of Traditional Herbalism. I find it inspiring to work at Nourishing Life Health Center, because I am surrounded by a compassionate team of knowledgeable herbalists/womxn who are transforming people’s lives in partnership with plants. Each day, I learn more about Chinese Medicine by working with the plants themselves, and I love our lush garden where I can support the herbs growing and enjoy their bounty too!