Acupuncture is a 3,000-year-old therapy that promotes healing by activating electrical signals through the body via the needling of specific points.
Acupuncture is often effective for decreasing pain and releasing other types of blockage. It has been shown to reduce inflammation and can strengthen the immune system and vital organ function.
Most people experience acupuncture as deeply relaxing and receive a greater sense of well-being because it also supports a healthy nervous system and blood biochemistry.
Full private acupuncture sessions may include cupping, moxibustion, electric stimulation of the needles, and at times simple herbal and lifestyle recommendations. It is ideal for acute or mild to moderate health issues and clients who do not need complex herbal, dietary, or lifestyle support.
Initial Visit: 25-minute consultation and treatment
- with Hillary – $175
Follow-up Sessions: 10-15 minute progress review and treatment
- with Hillary – $110
*Acupuncture insurance benefits may be applied towards the cost for in-person sessions (read more about insurance coverage here).
Schedule your appointment today at 845-687-6211 or