Uprooting Lyme
Treat Lyme Disease Naturally
This 6-month natural treatment and coaching program is designed to treat chronic Lyme disease, co-infections, and accompanying health problems naturally.
We accomplish this by:
- Using natural antibiotics to minimize the presence of the Borellia spirochete and other active infections;
- Strengthening the body’s energy and immunity so that it can be re-stimulated to fight the Lyme;
- Addressing diet, lifestyle, stress, and toxicity exposures so that your inner and external environments align to support your vital energy, and stop aiding disease processes;
- Working through a detoxification regimen (at a level that’s right for you);
- Focusing on alleviation of the symptoms that are most debilitating for you in daily life;
- Restoring vitality and strength;
- Creating new awareness and routines that promote your life force, innate healing capacity, and energy.
Healing from chronic, persistent, or recurring Lyme disease is never easy, but we offer this program to those of you who believe deep down that recovery is possible, and who desire expertise, guidance, support, and treatment that harnesses the body’s ability to heal, in addition to focusing on eradicating the disease itself.
This program is for you if:
- you’ve tried other types of treatment, be it natural or conventional, and have become stuck on a plateau or your health has worsened;
- you have been diagnosed with multiple chronic disorders that complicates and is complicated by Lyme disease, and that cannot be adequately treated by conventional medicine;
- you are using the conventional antibiotic approach and feel that you would benefit from additional treatment;
- a natural approach to healing your body and mind intuitively makes sense to you;
- you want expertise, guidance, support, and a personalized program that addresses your unique health and lifestyle issues;
- you are serious and committed to creating optimal health, and you have the desire and focus to learn new skills and change old habits for the sake of reclaiming your life.
Chronic Lyme disease is a complex multi-systems disorder that can cause a wide variety of symptoms, and is notoriously difficult to diagnose and treat. It is not known if it is curable, but successful treatment can be marked by alleviation of symptoms, and long-term return to full functionality.
Successful treatment of chronic Lyme requires highly individualized treatment that involves whole body, multi-systems repair, and utilizes a variety of strategies, including detoxification, strengthening of the life force and cellular functioning, and elimination of the disease-causing pathogens.
UPROOTING LYME is designed to bring about the following results:
GET CLEAR about what it takes to resolve the Lyme disease and other health issues that plague you, given your unique situation and imbalances.
ESTABLISH A TREATMENT PLAN that is designed to alleviate symptoms so that you feel better and regain functionality as soon as possible, and that works on reducing the Lyme disease, and strengthening your body for long-term success.
CREATE PERSONALIZED ROUTINES for diet, detoxification, and exercise that are doable, sustainable and will help you create optimal health over the long haul.
PROBLEM-SOLVE ROADBLOCKS along the way that are preventing you from making progress. When challenges arise, we are skilled at helping you break through to make positive change.
GET THE HELP AND SUPPORT YOU NEED during the tough times when your body is unloading toxins and experiencing die-off. We will help you move through the difficult aspects of treatment, and help you progress at a rate your body can handle – sometimes this seems painfully slow, and sometimes change happens quickly.
EXPERIENCE TRUE RESTORATION of your physical and emotional energy and functioning.
3 Levels of Program Engagement
The 6-month Uprooting Lyme Holistic Treatment Program offers 3 levels of guidance and support:
Level 1: Self-Treatment
*Recommended only for people with milder symptoms and previous success making lasting dietary and lifestyle change on their own.
- Weekly Course Content delivered via email or post from among the following topics:
- Gradual implementation of the Anti-Lyme Way of Life
- Multi-tiered guidance in the Cleansing Lifestyle Practices;
- Step-by-step 21-Day Detoxification Instruction
- Herbal Medicine for Tick-Borne Infection
- Holistic Treatment Strategy for Lyme & Related Diseases
- Natural Lyme Prevention, Diagnosis, & Treatment for Acute Infection
- Special Protocols for:
- Healing the Gut
- Nervous System Restoration
- Reducing Inflammation
- And more!
- Recipes & Healing Kitchen How-To
- Treatment Workbook to help you stay organized, focused, track your progress, and get the most out of the Uprooting Lyme Holistic Treatment Program.
- Access to our private Facebook Forum where you can exchange ideas and experiences with others who are in the process of healing from Lyme Disease naturally.
Level 2: Supported Healing
*Ideal for self-motivated individuals who require some personalized guidance and expertise for the most effective healing outcome.
- The Weekly Course Content, Workbook, and Forum as described in Level 1; plus
- One private consultation per month to
- Create a personalized treatment plan, including specific dietary, herbal, supplement, and daily routine recommendations;
- Address individual current health concerns in addition to the Lyme Disease;
- As you proceed through the program, we check in with your progress, assess what has improved, what requires additional or different treatment, and modifications to the treatment plan as needed;
- Receive support and solutions for any challenges you might face as you implement your cleansing and healing plans.
- Weekly Training Conference Calls (4/month) that provide
- Additional information for in-depth understanding of treatment protocols, treatment options, and the strategies we use to heal from Lyme;
- Q & A time with Hillary Thing;
- Connection, lateral learning, and inspiration!
Level 3: Guided recovery
*The best option for those with moderate – severe symptoms, complex health challenges, and those who need on-going individualized support throughout the program.
- The Weekly Course Content, Workbook, and Forum as described in Level 1; plus
- The Weekly Training Conference Calls, as described in Level 2; plus
- Two private consultations per month as described above; plus
- 6-day Winter Cleansing & Healing Retreat in Mexico (cost of travel not included); Winter 2015; location and dates TBA
- Multi-tiered cleansing and juice-fasting options
- Accomodations, rest and rejuvenate in the sun and warmth of this divine tropical eco-retreat
- Daily yoga & meditation
- Free Pass for our Annual 3-Day Juice Fast for High-Vibe Living in Accord, NY (August 2014).
- Unlimited email support from Hillary Thing and our Program Assistant.
- 25% discount on Accord Acupuncture & Herb Shoppe’s handmade herbal products.
By the end of the 6-month Holistic Treatment Program, you will be well on your way to recovery from Lyme. You will have noticeable reduction in symptoms, improved energy, increased functioning in your day-to-day life, and a vastly improved attitude. You will have brighter hope and more stable emotions. You will feel less stressed and afraid, and more in control of your body and your health.
We cannot guarantee 100% cure in 6 months of treatment – that would be irresponsible and dishonest, as the length of time required to heal depends on many factors. We can guarantee that you will know how to take care of yourself on a deep level, you will be in tune with what is best for you in regards to food choices, lifestyle habits, stress relief routines, detoxification, and treatments that work well for you. In short, you will be empowered and in control of your body and your health, even if you are still on the road to recovery.